Awakening to Our Stories: Captives of Normalcy (Part 2)

To understand what Jung meant by a religious attitude and our emotional problems, we need to become familiar with what he calls the individuation process. While each of us grows and ages physically, whether we like it or not, the same fact isn’t true about our psychological growth. The individuation process recognizes that after we have grown to a certain point psychologically, we have to make an effort; we have to pursue self-knowledge, to mature as people and live in a satisfying manner in our relationships and culture.

Sacred Selfishness: Self-Loving vs. Self-Serving (Part 3)

Have you ever thought about how strongly we have been indoctrinated into the idea: “Don’t be selfish?” When I think back about the southern culture I was raised in, I remember very clearly being told, “Don’t be selfish,” again and …
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Sacred Selfishness: From Self-Judgement to Self-Acceptance (Part 2)

When we paralyze ourselves with self-critical, judgmental attitudes, the life energy that is supposed to be sustaining our growth becomes regressive, stagnant, and deadly. Soon we become bonded to fear, the fear of losing what we have attained or the …
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Sacred Selfishness: Honoring Your Own Needs in the Quest for Authenticity (Part 1)

  Imagine living a life free from fear…Imagine getting past anxieties imposed by our culture…and becoming truly successful on our own genuine terms. These are the goals I suggested for us in my last blog about facing the demon of …
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