Bud and Massimilla HarrisWe are practicing Jungian analysts in Asheville, North Carolina. As graduates of the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, we have worked extensively with people on relationship problems, personal issues, dreams, and individuation for many years. While people come to see us initially because of problems and difficulties that often include symptoms like depression, relationship problems, or career change, our work focuses on enabling the higher development of the person through fostering C.G. Jung’s Individuation process. This process renews our personal consciousness and helps us examine all of our assumptions about ourselves and our lives, and assists us in growing beyond our difficulties and in uncovering our hidden potentials.

In order to share this important work and and make Jung’s concepts more available to the general reader, we are also passionate authors. The need for respecting and healing the feminine in ourselves and our culture has been a key area of focus for us. Together and separately, we have authored over 20 books and have lectured widely.

Books on Jungian Psychology, Individuation, Personal Growth, and Mythology

Into the Heart of the Feminine - A Jungian book to heal the wounded feminine archetype Sacred Selfishness: A Guide to Living a Life of Substance Book cover - Becoming a Love Warrior: Nine Jungian Lessons in Love and Power

See All Books

Taking Responsibility for Daring to Accept Reality and Our Power to Change It

There is no question that we need to make fundamental changes and we need to make them fast. The incremental approach will not bring healing or civility, or return us to a sense of community. To think we can’t change the status of our poor, our sick, our prisoners, and develop racial unity (as our great religions instruct us to do) means our fear and regressive impulses are limiting our capacity for creativity, courage, and vision.

Taking Responsibility for Recapturing Our Challenge for a New Normal

We are the ones who need to step out of our comfort zones and reclaim the heart of our democracy, and the soul of our heritage. We need to be tough enough to follow the example of perseverance shown by the members of our revolution to change our government on the national level, the state level, the county level, and the city level—no matter if it takes six-and-a-half years as our original revolution did.